ca final course admission

Upon successfully clearing the Intermediate Examination and ICITSS Training, a student must enroll in the Final Course. The Final Course is divided into two groups: Group I and Group II.

Each group consists of three papers.

Registration Procedure

ICAI has a centralized Self-Service Portal to streamline the registration process. This portal handles all administrative interactions throughout a student’s journey, including the Intermediate and Final courses, eliminating the need for in-person visits or physical document submissions. Students are required to upload self-attested documents directly through the portal.

Candidate has to visit to reach the Service Portal for the process.

During the Final Course registration, students must also register for the Self-Paced Online Modules. The registration form for the Final Course includes an option to select subjects under Self-Paced Online Module Sets C and D. No additional fee is required for registering in the Self-Paced Online Modules, which include Sets A, B, C, and D.

Upon successful registration, students will receive instructions to order study materials via the Centralized Distribution System Portal,i.e.,

Registration Fees


An eligible student can enroll in the Final Course by paying the following fee:

Details                                    Rupees (t)        For Foreign Students (US$)        Final Registration Fee       22,000*                           $ 1,000

Students from the Union Territories of Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh, as well as the North-Eastern states, were granted a 75% concession on the Final Course Registration Fee (Rs. 5500) for registrations made between September 20, 2019, and March 31, 2022. This concession has now been extended from April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2025, and is also applicable to candidates from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands registering during this period.

A 75% concession on the Final Course Registration Fee (Rs. 5500) has been granted to the wards of deceased members, effective from April 1, 2022.


  1. Students will be eligible to appear for the Final Examination if:
  • They are enrolled in the Final Course.
  • Has completed Practical Training at least six months before the first day of the month in which the examination is scheduled.
  • Has completed the Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (Adv. IT & MCS).
  • Has complete and Passed the Self-Paced Online Modules.

2. Students are required to pay the examination fees as determined by the Council for the Final Examination.

3. The Final Course subjects are divided into two groups, each consisting of three papers. Students have the option to study and appear for the examination either group-wise or for both groups simultaneously.

Note: Students are encouraged to visit the website regularly to stay informed about any latest updates or developments.


A candidate can choose to appear for both groups simultaneously or take one group in one examination and the remaining group in a subsequent examination. The candidate is considered to have passed the Final Examination, if he passes both the groups 

  1. A candidate will generally be declared to have passed both groups simultaneously if he: 
  • Achieves at least 40% marks in each paper of both groups and a minimum of 50% marks in the overall aggregate of all papers in each group.                or
  • Obtains at least 40% marks in each paper of both groups in a single attempt and a minimum of 50% marks in the combined aggregate of all papers across both groups.

2.A candidate shall be declared to have passed in a group if he

  • Achieves at least 40% marks in each paper of the group in attempt and a minimum of 50% marks in the overall aggregate of all papers in that group.

There is no negative marking for objective-type questions.


A student who attempts all the papers in a Group/Unit and fails in one or more but secures at least 60% marks in any paper(s) of that Group/Unit will be eligible for an exemption in those paper(s) for the next three subsequent examinations. This means that while availing of the exemption, the student must clear the remaining papers within any of the next three attempts.

The student will be considered to have passed that Group/Unit if, in a single attempt, they secure at least 40% marks in each paper of the Group/Unit and a minimum of 50% of the total marks across all papers in the Group/Unit, including those for which they previously secured a minimum of 60% marks. No additional exemptions will be granted for the remaining papers in that Group/Unit until the exemptions already provided have been utilized.

Suppose a candidate has exhausted the exemption granted under sub-regulation (6) of Regulation 38E and has not cleared the respective Group or Unit. In that case, they may choose to continue the exemption for subsequent examinations. However, in this scenario, the candidate must secure at least 50% marks in each of the remaining papers of that Group or Unit to be declared as having passed the Group or Unit.